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  • Thursday, December 18, 2008

    Santa vs. Snowman

    You can take the kids to see Santa versus the Snowman 3D at AutoNation IMAX Theater at the Museum of Discovery and Science in Ft. Lauderdale. It returns on Saturday and runs through January 4th for your holiday viewing pleasure. Details here.

    Holiday health myths

    During the holidays when we're busy and stressing about so much, I have found a list of things we don't have to worry about: Five surprising holiday health myths.
    Number one is sugar makes kids hyperactive. Studies found there is no link and sweets cannot change behavior.
    Number two is suicides increase over the holidays.
    Also proven false. Poinsettias are toxic. They may not be good for you and may make you sick, but no significant poisoning has been found in 96 percent of the cases reported.
    Eating at night makes you fat also proven to be untrue. It may be linked to obesity, but it's the overall calories that you ingest that causes obesity, not the time of day. Read about the rest of the myths here.

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Pet love and understanding

    You love your dog and cat and can understand every meow or woof! That's pretty much the finding of a new survey. Some 67 percent of those polled believe they can identify the wants and needs of their pets by how they bark or meow. If only we could understand our teens that well! More details about the survey here.

    Something to make you smile

    Who can resist little kittens, posing so cute for the camera? Not me. Here's a website that features a different kitty everyday. It's like a kitten calendar on your computer.

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Love the Internet?

    You're not alone, if you're always going online. Survey finds many of us use the internet for comparison shopping, as well as information gathering, and entertainment. Now a survey has found many of us would not only take the internet over tv, but also over sex. You can read more about it here.

    Barney Christmas

    Barney, the first family's Scottish terrier, has a new holiday doggie video. This year's plot has Barney napping and imagining he's an athlete. The video co-stars Michael Phelps. Check out the video here.

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    Obama's top wise man

    Barack Obama is so popular, his figurine is now tops for nativity scenes. In Naples, Italy, craftsman say Obama's figurine is the biggest seller. Apparently tradition there is to not only put Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus in the scene, but also top newsmakers and celebrities for the year. Look here.

    Santa is scary!

    Santa can be scary to a toddler. and Now there's a book dedicated to all the toddlers who screamed and cried to get off Santa's lap, but not before someone took a picture. A book of 250 photos. You can check it out here.
    It has become so popular, that there is a website featuring photos of freaked out toddlers.