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  • Friday, January 02, 2009

    The future of 2009

    What will the future hold? The Futurist Magazine says Americans will have more sex and use fewer antidepressants. The reason is women's growing economic power around the world wil give them more choices, and they will choose more sex. Details here. I guess you could say things will be looking up!

    Hazards of thinking too much

    We know the hazards of drinking too much, but there could be hazards to thinking too much. Research has found if you think too much or too hard, it could make you fat or at least pudgy. Researchers found that lots of intellectual activity spurs the appetite. Read more about it here.

    Wednesday, December 31, 2008

    Happy New Year!

    Celebrate New Year's around the world with Earthcam. A great way to celebrate without leaving the house!

    Tuesday, December 30, 2008

    Comforting food for 2009

    Comfort food is making a comeback and food experts believe we can see it even moreso in 2009. With the economy hitting everyone in the wallet, cheap and basic are what people want. And many are staying in instead of going out. Soups, cereals, beans, pasta and chicken are back in vogue. Read more about it here.

    Family warps brain

    If you've got family members coming to visit over the holidays, you might want to consider the findings of a new study: Family can warp your brain. That's the headline from the study. Research found our feelings for our relatives are somewhat primal. And because we look at our family members like ourselves, we have less patience for them and judge them more harshly than others. Read more about it here. And then consider having visiting relatives stay at a hotel.