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  • Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Sweat your way to a bigger brain

    Exercising has many benefits, from helping you burn calories and lose weight,to helping you get in shape, and giving you energy and now comes word it also can help you grow many new brain cells.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Is chocolate addictive?

    We may love chocolate and call ourselves "Chocoholics," but research says chocolate is not addictive.

    Could gas prices affect your waistline?

    Study finds higher gasoline prices may slim more than just your wallet, but also your waistline.

    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    It pays to lose weight

    A new study has found the more financial incentives we have, the more we lose weight. Many companies are experimenting with rewarding people for weight loss, and this new study finds rewards really work. In fact, the more money people were paid, the more weight they lost. All this time, we've been paying weight loss companies to help us lose weight, now we just have to convince those companies to instead pay us!

    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Tips for Better Grades

    Want your kids to get better grades? Get tips on how to make their room more positive for academic success.