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  • Thursday, October 02, 2008

    Concerns about makeup

    If you use makeup daily and your teenager wants to, this may make you think twice: Studies have found that some makeup contains harmful chemicals that are linked to health risks such as cancer. And a study of teens found their bodies contained some of these harmful chemicals. What is the price of beauty these days? You can read more about it here.

    Wednesday, October 01, 2008

    Voting warning

    Before you head to the polls come Election Day, you should know that traffic accidents typically increase during voting hours. Researchers studied traffic accidents on election days for the past 30 years and found an 18 percent increased risk of death. Researchers blame people rushing to get to the polls, driving unfamiliar routes and being distracted. My suggestion: Plan ahead. Take a practice run to the poll and don't let anybody distract you. Read more about it here.

    Good day to eat veggies

    Today is a good day to eat all your veggies and then some. It's World Vegetarian Day, a day to celebrate the benefits of eating a meat free diet. It can help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer, and help save animals from suffering and even help the environment. Details here.

    Man saves dog from shark

    Talk about brave. A dog owner risked his own life to save his dog. He was swimming off the keys with his little rat terrier, when a shark swam up and took a bite of the dog and tried to swim away. Greg LeNoir punched the shark and managed to get the little dog away and saved his life. Now that's a faithful companion! Read more about it here.

    Fat dolphins need diet

    Hard to believe but dolphins at a Japanese marine park are going on a diet, because they gained too much weight eating mackerel. Turns out the mackerel was very fatty. And the dolphins weren't making their jumps. I can see it now. Dolphins by the side of the pool trying to snag a bag of chips from visitors to the park. Read more about it here.

    Monday, September 29, 2008

    Frugality has limits

    It may be a tough economy, but women are not going to scrimp on everything. We do have priorities. Survey of women finds we will look to save on medications, milk and eggs, but when it comes to food for our dogs, or cosmetics for us or toilet paper, we refuse to go bargain. Absolutely! We have to look and feel our best and our dogs too. Read more about it here.

    Tempting foods help diet

    Hard to believe, but research finds being tempted is a good thing for diets. Researchers say having tempting treats around helps us with our self control strategies and build will-power. Sure, if you can ignore that chocolate cookie calling your name at home, you can do the same when you're at a party or anywhere else. You can read more about it here.