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  • Thursday, July 03, 2008

    Wine fuels car

    Wine is good for the heart, but it also is good for your car. Prince Charles has a car that is running on biofuel made from surplus wine. So I guess if you get thirsty, you could always pull over and get a drink from your tank. Not really.
    Read more about it here.

    Fight less over time

    If you and your partner or spouse are always fighting over the same thing, just give it time. An online survey found couples argue less and get better at resolving differences with time. You just gotta get past the 3-7 years. And once you hit 21 years, it's smooth sailing. What's a decade or two of arguing? Read more about it here.

    Parents get "kid-sickness"

    You've heard of kids getting home-sick when they go off to camp in the summer. Well, experts say parents get something too... "kid-sickness." They miss their kids as much as kids miss home. The American Camp Association says focus on the positive and separation is natural and necessary to help your kids succeed later in life. You can read more about it here.

    Tuesday, July 01, 2008

    We're happier!

    Despite high gas prices, high foreclosure rates and high divorce rates, we're happier than we were say 20 or 30 years ago. According to the "Happiness Index" people in 40 different countries say they're happier today than yesterday. The cheeriest place to live: Denmark. The gloomiest: Zimbabwe. The U-S ranked 16th in happiness. You can read all about it here.

    Questions about sunscreen

    So you slather on sunscreen and you still get burned? It happens. But why? Researchers say sunscreen has to block out different types of rays and not all sunscreens block out all rays. Also, a study finds some sunscreens contain chemicals that aren't safe. A study many sunscreen makers dispute. You can read more about it here.

    Monday, June 30, 2008

    Puppy mill dogs arrive

    A happy ending for 700 puppy mill dogs rescued from Tennessee. More than 100 of them have arrived in South Florida to be adopted out. These dogs lived their entire lives in cages, without ever being picked up or ever being able to walk on the ground. You can read more about The Humane Society of the United States' efforts to stop these mills here.